Mama knows best - 10 ways to make this holiday season more meaningful

When it comes to moms, we don't always have the answers to everything but we do often have good advice based on experience. We asked moms from all walks of life and all stages of motherhood how they make the holidays less stressful and more beautiful + meaningful. Here are our favorite 10 answers:
1. Bake with the kiddos ... but only if you like baking. If you don't like baking with your kids, that's ok. Buy some cookies from the store... it's alright!
2. Christmas is not my favorite season but this year I am following the heart of my child. She loves Christmas so much - I am trying to look at Christmas through her eyes.
3. More experiences, less presents.
4. Lazy family days + fun friends or date nights! It's fun to enjoy the season without kiddos sometimes too!
5. Helping others and trying what I can to make the season special for someone else always gives me beautiful perspective on the true meaning of Christmas.
6. I aim for our first gifts purchased to be for the less fortunate. Some years that means the kids choose a child from the angel tree to buy a gift for, other years it means collecting items for the local shelter.
7. Vintage Christmas music - it always makes my heart feel a little bit lighter!
8. Turn off the phones for the night, make some popcorn, and watch Christmas movie together with loved ones.
9. More saying NO to the things that stress me out.
10. More grace. For yourself...and for everyone. There's a lot of focus on having the "perfect" holiday and it's just not realistic, so just keeping that in mind helps me have the happiest holidays I can!
XO Alyssa