Making Memories This Holiday Season

Head to Pinterest and you’ll undoubtedly find hundreds if not thousands of ways to “create magic” and make this “the best holiday ever.” While the intention with these posts and articles is undoubtedly well meaning, it can feel overwhelming.
How can I add one more thing to my already crazy schedule? Creating magic? I’ll be happy if I remember to get something for everyone on my list.
Mama, I’m here to tell you that it doesn’t require special reindeer shaped holiday treats, glittery faux snow dusted mantels or a month of special countdown-to-Christmas activities to make memories this holiday season.
Make memories this holiday season by just stepping back, taking a deep breath, and soaking in the moment. Do you see the way your little ones eyes sparkle when they see the first snow of the year? That’s a memory. The way your kids snuggle in as you read their favorite holiday book before bed - savor that feeling. That’s a memory. The way those sweet little squeaky voices are constantly singing parts of Jingle Bells (all. day. long.) That’s a memory.
Sometimes, it’s ok to not focus so much on trying to create the perfect memories for our children, but rather, to take in the moments of our everyday. So this holiday season, take it in mama. That’s a memory.
XO, Alyssa