Repair Evaluation

We take great pride of the quality and craftsmanship of our pieces. Our jewelry is meant to be worn daily. However, jewelry is by its very nature delicate. If you should experience the need for a repair, we are here to help!
Our evaluation gives us an opportunity to review each piece on a case by case basis. Please provide us with the information requested below. Once your request has been received, we will review your photos and concerns and reach out via email. Should we determine your piece is eligible for repair, we will put together a custom invoice. Your invoice will include a Shipping Kit with all of the materials and instructions to safely send your piece back to us, Route Package Protection for the full value of your piece should they unthinkable happen in transit to our studio, and our studio evaluation fee.
Once we have your received your piece back at our studio, we will fully and thoroughly inspect your jewelry to address the requested repair as well as anything that stands out to us as an area of concern. After our inspection, we will follow up with you to provide the full cost of the repair to get your jewelry back to good as new. If you choose to opt out of the repair, we will ship your piece back to you.
We offer free repairs within 90 days for any breakage caused by manufacturer defect. Products that have been altered by another jeweler are not eligible for repairs. International orders are not eligible for returns or repairs.
Request for Repair Evaluation
Repair Fee Estimates
While we like to evaluate each piece individually to estimate a fair cost of repair, we have outlined some of our estimated fees* below.
Chain Repair, if broken at clasp | $35 |
Chain Repair, if broke in the middle | Cost of Replacement Chain |
Broken Clasp | $35 |
Replacing Broken Bead(s) | Starts at $35 for first bead, $10 for each additional bead |
Replace a Missing Stone | Starts at $35 + Cost of Stone |
Restring a Pearl Necklace | Evaluation Required |
Broken Ring Band, Resizing, or Charm has Detached | Evaluation Required |
Earring Post or Hinge is Broken | Evaluation Required |
Locket Insert Has Come Loose | Evaluation Required |
Professional Cleaning** | $25 |
*All fees above are subject to change once the piece has been received and fully inspected, and do not include the Shipping Kit, Route Package Protection of the full value of your piece, or return shipping.
**Professional Cleaning include disassembling (if necessary) and running your piece through our Magnetic Tumbler similarly to when we first receive your charms back from our production partner. This will return your piece back to our signature satin finish.