Father's Day 2021 Gift Guide

As seen on Southern Living Magazine, Father's Day 2021 Gift Guide.
With Father's Day just around the corner we wanted to put together some of our favorite gifts for Dad. We know our products are loved by moms but we couldn't forget about all the amazing fathers and father figures in our lives.
Silhouette Money Clip - We couldn't agree more with our friends at Southern Living Magazine. These silhouette money clips are the perfect way to honor dad this father's day. They make for a meaningful gift.
Engraved Silhouette Tie Bar - Dad will love looking down at his crew while away at a work or business trip. Custom from his little people's photos these can feature up to 8 silhouettes.
Cufflinks - Not your typical cufflinks. Only the best for dad! Choose between our Silhouette Cufflinks or the Engraved Portrait Cufflinks. They can be identical or feature up to two silhouettes/portraits.
Silhouette KeyChain - Ditch Dad's old rusty keychain and replace with a silhouette one. We promise dad won't be disappointed.