2018 Year Review

2018 was one for the books!💫
A few big and memorable things happened for our family and business this year. Aaron and I celebrated 15 years of marriage with a trip to Paris. Our business celebrated its 10 year anniversary! We had two big and wonderful partnerships with Origami Owl (for Mother's Day) and Front Gate (for the Holiday season and beyond). Giving back is something close to our hearts.
We launched the Giving Back Project helping *all* parents keep memories close, even when their stories haven't turned out the way they imagined. We plan to continue offering it in 2019. Our incredible team grew even more! I feel so blessed I get to work with 4 other amazing women!
As I reflect on and think about all the pieces created here at Le Papier Studio this year (but also over the past 10 years), I can't help but feel truly humbled at the honor I've been entrusted with by our amazing customers...💓 The stories I've been told about the pieces we're crafting, the people behind them, the love, the joy, the tragedy, the tears. The human experience is so messy + yet so beautiful... Capturing that in heirloom pieces that will be cherished and loved by so many for years to come...well, the way that makes my heart swell + warm... it'll never go away.