5 interesting things

What are your plans for the weekend? We're gonna lay low and rest. I may be picking up a book to read on my trip. God any recommendations? This past week I came across these 5 interesting things. I hope you enjoy them too...
One - This awesome article - it is so good and eye opening, especially as our little ones head back to school.
Two - If you like Greek food, you will love this recipe...and the entire website for that matter. I have it bookmarked and it is my go-to site for interesting recipes. Not your typical Greek recipes.
Three - The older I get, the more drawn I am to minimal + classic styles...this board on Pinterest is all sorts of lovely.
Four - The first time I heard of Elizabeth Gilbert was when Eat Pray Love came out. But over the years, I have become quite fond of her books. I just finished reading this one. I highly recommend it to creative types. Lots of good material to ponder upon.
Five - "People-pleasers guide to please people" Number 3 made me laugh out loud...
Happy weekend everyone!