6 Back to School Tips for Parents

I don't know if I should cry or laugh about my kids going back to school next week. I think I'll do the latter..😁 Seriously though! I didn't even complain at the crazy long lines of parents frantically trying to purchase every last item on the supply lists! 💁 Kids are headed back to school next week (school starts after labor day here, as it should) and I back to my normal routine. But let's stop for a sec. How is my oldest already a 6th grader? 😭😭😭 Than, there's our little guy, who's going into pre-k yet is acting like he twirls the world on his little pinkie 🙄 Ok. Enough with the mixed emotions. I want to focus on the happy and positive side of going back to school. With that said, I am happy to share this short list of back to school tips that I've found useful these past few years.
- Transition into a new school schedule. For our family (may be yours too) that means adjust the sleeping schedule. Going to bed half an hour earlier so we can get up on time. I don't think the boys have a hard time getting up in the morning. It's just the going to bed earlier part that we struggle with the most. This goes for means as well. During the summer, our boys tend to eat here and there during the day (especially if we are out and about). Set a routine that works with your family's schedule when it comes to means and snacks.
- Add school events to a family calendar. Aaron is big on this. He makes sure all school dates/events/sports are added into our family calendar which is synced with all our computers and phones. He also sets notifications on (which by the way drive me crazy, and full disclosure, I try to turn off...NO!!) I like to write everything down on my paper planner/calendar. So whatever works for you, do that!
- Organize their closest + shop for new clothes. This is by far my favorite task to do. Crazy, right? I can't wait for this time of year where I get to purge, purge, purge. I go through their closets and after I have organized all the clothes that fit, I make two piles: donation and pass-me-downs. I am not always on top of my game with this, but I tend to do most of the back to school shopping during sales throughout the summer. I dislike feeling rushed at the end when everyone hits the stores at the same time.
- Set aside a family time. For us family time is Friday night, both during the summer and the school year. We keep it simple. A simple dinner, popcorn and a movie. After a long week of school and work, what our family needs the most is to just be together. This is also the time we spend communicating different things to our kids and also hearing from them in great detail about new experiences or concerns at school.
- Don't forget the forms!! All the medical forms, the registration forms, school fees...you name it. Get to them and fast! Luckily this year a lot of our oldest school forms and fees are filled out and completed online.
- Everything on its place. There is nothing that stresses me out the most than a messy house during the week. To avoid chaos from all the school papers, backpacks, etc, set up a designated area for all the school related items that can be quickly found when you need them.