This is summer

It always seems to take forever to arrive, but once it does it never seems to last very long. Summer is the season of family vacations and gatherings and is one of the most memory filled times of the year. I remember summer feeling exceptionally special and long as a child. I loved spending the days with my sisters and cousins, playing outside from morning until supper. I remember the family vacations, the car trips, the day trips. The special foods, the parades, the celebrations. All such wonderful memories I often wish I could bottle them up and pour them out to warm me on the cold Minnesota days that inevitably always come around.
White we can't physically bottle your memories, our full body silhouette necklaces are the perfect way to keep those warm summer memories close. These unique pieces are not only precious reminders of special times and people, but they make perfect gifts for those you love most. You can shop our full body silhouette necklaces here. Keep those sweet summer memories going!