Celebrating 13 Years in Business! Introducing Vana Chupp Studio!

Today, we celebrate 13 years in business, and as I pause and settle into this moment, I’m overwhelmed with both a profound sense of accomplishment and sincere gratitude for how far we've come.
I've been so unimaginably blessed to do what I love and touch the lives of so many special customers–one heirloom piece at a time. I am equally grateful for each brand partnership and business collaboration I've been lucky to enjoy along the way. And, most importantly, I’m so proud of my team – 5 talented women that I get to work with each day.
This business has been a labor of love. Long gone are the days of me cutting paper silhouettes from the eat-in area of my kitchen with a 3 year old in tow. Now, I'm splitting my time between my home and our new studio, leading our wonderful team and thinking new ways to grow the business. It feels like a dream come true.
Over the past several weeks, I’ve been hinting at something big coming your way. And, in celebration of our 13th anniversary, I’m so excited to announce we’re renaming from Le Papier Studio to Vana Chupp Studio! With this new name comes the opportunity for us to swing wide the doors of the new creative opportunities ahead.
Vana Chupp Studio will continue to be a lifestyle brand focused on beautiful design through products. And, of course, we will continue doing this through our signature custom silhouette jewelry. But, our new name provides us the chance to develop even more products and services that suit the brand and our customers.
Each of you, my dear community, has been the fuel for my tiny paper business to grow into what it is today. So, I invite you to join us as we reflect where we’ve been (see our timeline) and where we are (see our new website!). We wouldn’t be celebrating this moment without all of you, so thank you–from the bottom of my heart. Cheers to this new chapter!