November's Birthstone is Citrine

November’s golden birthstone, citrine, hails from the Latin root for “lemon,” and is found in warm shades that range from pale yellow to a deep brown-orange. Known as the “healing quartz,” citrine promotes health, happiness, vitality, and abundance in the wearer.

According to lore, those who wear citrine attract love. The gem is reported to prevent heartbreak and remove negative energy, making this the perfect stone to wear to foster love and joy in your life.

If you or a loved one are celebrating a special November day, whether a birthday, anniversary, or other special memory, a dainty birthstone solitaire necklace, a loose charm, or a birthstone jumpring paired with your heirloom necklace are all beautiful options for embracing citrine.
Birthstone jewelry is incredibly special, whether it’s your own or that of a loved one, and we are honored to help you discover the meaning behind your gemstone. Contact the VCS team to share your unique story and allow us to bring your jewelry design to life.