Mom Tribes

This past week we introduced the Le Papier Studio Community Manager, Alyssa, over on our Instagram feed - and the response was so warm.
As mothers, it's easy to feel alone in our struggles, but the truth is, all mamas have hard days, weeks, and even months, and surrounding ourselves with a tribe of women to help us get through those times is essential. If you think about it, the wisdom and knowledge learned over a lifetime of mothering is insane. By tapping into the minds and experiences of those who have gone before us, who are walking alongside us, and who are just beginning their motherhood journeys...the reward and treasure trove of support that can be found there is priceless. Truly.
Please continue to engage with our posts - not just so we continue to stay in your feed (which let's be honest, is a definite perk!) but because you, your experiences and your voice is SO valuable. Lift up a mama who shares about a struggle or is having a hard time, give a virtual high five to a mom who is nailing it... let's build each other up as we navigate this thing called life, and this experience called motherhood.