Just a little bit longer

We've heard it before:
"Enjoy each state!"
"It goes so fast."
"Some day you'll wish you had these days back."
It all sounds good and true, but in the middle of the third sleepless night in a row or white cleaning up the second spilled cup of milk during breakfast it's easy to feel like you're ready for this stage to be done. To be in a place where everyone can be just a pinch more independent (and not quite so messy).
But then, the baby sleeps, the toddler cooperates and the school-ager draws you a picture, sign her name, and adds a heart and says "For you, mama." You look around and realize you're in the middle of one of the most intense seasons of your life, but that you wouldn't trade it for the world. And in an instant you think "oh please stay like this...each of you...for just a little longer."