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Being grateful

The long weekend went by in a flash. The festivities passed. The time spent with my boys was the highlight of everything. I wish I took more time to enjoy life and remembered to be thankful for my blessings everyday…

Today we woke up to see the first snow…I love the first snow. It’s so fresh and peaceful and reminds me of something new that is about to start. Where I grew up, it never snowed so I am living the moment as a child would.

Speaking of new, I am so excited to announce to you all that my online boutique is almost completed and it will soon make its big debut…I have discovered that even after the website designer is done with her part of work, there is a ton more left for poor me to do, such as adding all the products, pictures, and descriptions. I look forward to having it up and running in January. For all of you that can’t wait to see how it looks like, here is a little glimpse…

Because last week I was too busy to take a moment and post what I am grateful for, I decided to do it today. So here are a few things I am thankful for:

1. I am grateful for my family, near and far….for the love I have for them and they for me.
2. I am grateful for the blessing of a son who makes my world a happy place.
3. …for my friends, that live near and far away and those I have met via blogging that support me.
4. …for being able to do what I do and enjoy it so much.
5. …for being able to travel every year to see my parents, sisters, niece and nephew..

…and the list goes on..

The post Being grateful appeared first on Le Papier Blog.