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I have 2 of them. I love them and miss them dearly! You see, they live in a different country (continent even)! Growing up, we couldn’t stand each other (most of the time) – but having become grown up ladies and mothers (just 2 of us), we’ve come to appreciate one – another so much! Sisters are the greatest gift one can receive. My sisters are the two people with whom I talk almost daily (some times twice a day!). They are the people who share my past and get me, truly! With them, I don’t have to try to be someone I am not – just the old self me.


My sisters are my lifelong best friends. The ones I crack jokes with and laugh with effortlessly…
I haven’t seem them in person in almost 3 years and it breaks my heart when I think about it. I am hoping, praying I will soon be able to visit them. Until that happens, Skype ought to do it!

Do you have sisters? If so, what do they mean to you? Are they your best friends?

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The post Sisters appeared first on Le Papier Blog.