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Happy 7th Birthday Nikolas!

Dear Nikolas!

You turned 7 years old today! So much has happened since last year. You became a brother for the very first time!! It’s been wonderful watching you take the role of the big brother and love John Andrew with all your heart. It makes my heart melt, sweet boy! You’ll always be my baby – my first baby – no matter how old you are.

Sever years went by so quick – such a bitter sweet feeling! You’ve grown to be a kind and loving person which your daddy and I are so proud of. I look forward to seeing you grow grow grow. So happy birthday, dear Nikolas! Wishing you a wonderful year filled with many blessings!



PS: the picture above was taken from our summer vacation last year in Greece. It was the last one we spent just the two of us and I will remember and treasure it forever.


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