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John Andrew’s 4th Month Silhouette

Dearest John,

I almost forgot to draw your 4 month silhouette. We’ve been busy busy. Next week you’ll be 5 months old! Sweet boy, why do you grow so fast? Each day you learn something new, it seems. You’ve been experimenting with your voice lately. You make all sorts of funny voices especially when you wake up. I think you know we love you and love all the sounds you make.

It’s almost the end of summer – which means Nikolas starts school. Soon it will be just the two of us. I am secretly looking forward to it :)

Happy almost 5th month birthday, little one!



I’ve decided to draw John Andrew’s monthly silhouette until he turns 12 months old. I started this project with Nikolas as a way to document his growth. I take a picture of John Andrew on the same spot on our couch every month and pair it with his monthly silhouette.

The post John Andrew’s 4th Month Silhouette appeared first on Le Papier Blog.