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John Andrew’s 7th Month Silhouette

Dearest John,

You’re seven months old! If I could freeze up time to cherish these moments with you, I would. I love watching you laugh your heart out at the smallest things – your brother’s silly voices, daddy’s face when he comes home from work, playing peekaboo with mama. You’re quite a happy little boy! Instead I will be treasuring these letters I write to you each month…

Your two bottom teeth came in this month. Yay! I love making you smile just so I can take another peek at those teefers!! You’ve been trying so hard to crawl. You learned your first words, “ba-ba”, “ta-ta” and “bye-bye”. We’ve also been more consistent at teaching you how to sleep in your bed through the night. It’s clearly something you are not a fan of. Instead you like to cuddle up with daddy and I. We love that too sweet boy, but we think it’s better for all of us if you slept in your bed. Plus mama can use a good night’s sleep every now and than:)

John, we look forward to celebrating the holidays with you! It’s going to be magical little one, because you are here with us!

Love you more,



I’ve decided to draw John Andrew’s monthly silhouette until he turns 12 months old. I started this project with Nikolas as a way to document his growth. I take a picture of John Andrew on the same spot on our couch every month and pair it with his monthly silhouette.

The post John Andrew’s 7th Month Silhouette appeared first on Le Papier Blog.