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Celebrating 6 Years in Business + Giveaway Winners

Today I am celebrating 6 years of running Le Papier Studio. I’m not gonna lie to you, I feel a bit emotional thinking of all the struggles, challenges but also victories that made today possible. If you have a minute, I would like to take you down memory lane in the life of Le Papier Studio. I want to do this because it is important that you understand how my business has evolved over the years. Some of you might look at the pretty studio I work from right now and think I’ve been lucky – but it wasn’t always the case. It was those humbled beginnings that brought me to where I am today and I can’t be more grateful. Here we go…

My first “studio”…

My dear husband built this little corner out of our living room of our old condo. I was able to work a few hours each day while carrying for Nikolas (3 at the time). Look at the rest of the pictures here.

Than I updated to this…

Same space but as you can see I became a bit more organized with it. Added some IKEA bookcases and made the work area more appealing…Check out the rest here.

In 2010 I moved my studio outside the home.

It was my proudest and most terrifying business moment. As you can imagine, I had to take a leap of faith and trust I had made the best decision. And I had! Read about it here.

And finally, this is where I work from now…

With John’s birth in 2012 I decided to step back a bit and analyze. I decided to bring the business home again so that I could be with him just like I did when Nikolas was little. I don’t regret a thing. I feel so blessed to be where I am today and also be able to share all of these with you.

If you could take one thing away I would like it to be – follow your heart wherever it leads you. Your heart is what drives your passions in life, it will never lead you to the wrong path. If if leads you to a path you aren’t familiar with, trust it is for a special reason you may not fully understand at the moment, but it will be made clear to you as you continue along.

And now…for the giveaway winners.

Oh man, it was so hard to pick just one, so I HAD picked two!! I really wish I could pick all of you!  Your courage to step up and do what sets your heart on fire will take you far in life. You are already winners on my book – because you are already a step (or two) ahead or everyone else who is currently dreaming…You’re not just dreaming, you’re doing! I congratulate you for that!

The two winners I randomly picked are: Thuy Bui with Pinwheel Parcels and Sarah Steele from Drawing Sarah

Ladies, please get in touch with me (vana at lepapierstudio dot com) so we can schedule our coaching sessions.

Thank you again for entering this giveaway, and keep an eye out for more coming up. If you still would like to work with me, make sure to check out my Coaching services page. I would be completely honored to share my expertise with you!