Stories : Fleurishing

Running your business online has its own perks. Like getting to follow along on the documented journeys from a few favorites. Since the majority of my work consists on capturing little ones' into unique silhouettes, I am constantly drawing inspiration from young families with adorable littles. This is how I came across Susan Hutchinson and her precious twins, Henry and Marie. I must also mention that Susan is a devout Francophile...and well, Paris...holds a special place in both of our hearts. I'm happy to share Susan's story with you today, so let's get started!
For those who aren't familiar, can you tell us about Fleurishing?
Fleurishing is the name of my interior design company and lifestyle blog. My passions are abundant, but I mostly focus on my love of all things French, design, and of course, my children. My blog has evolved along with me over the years, and thankfully, so has my audience!
How did the blog/company start?
I started my own company in 2006 after leaving a larger firm, and have been fortunate to work for myself for ten years now! The blog began as an accompaniment to my design work, and as a creative outlet after moving to Pennsylvania in 2010. As it has for so many, the blog morphed into a business of it’s own, and has afforded me incredible opportunities and introduced me to such an amazing community. 2017 will mark my seventh year of blogging (time flies when you’re having fun).
It absolutely does, Susan! Tell us, what does your blog stand for?
The name is a play on the word “flourishing”, using the “e” as in Fleur, a French flower. It represents my Francophilia, and a time in my life that was (and is) indeed “fleurishing”.
And rightly so! You twins, Henry and Marie are so adorable. Thank you for capturing their innocent childhood in such a natural way, it's truly inspiring! Since it wasn't long ago that we collaborated on a fun project, can you share what was it like to work with Le Papier Studio? Can you tell us a bit about the process?
I was thrilled to partner with you all, and the silhouettes of my children came out perfectly. The process was simple and enjoyable!
That's wonderful to hear! I'd love to know what value does our product add to your life?
We will forever treasure our children’s silhouettes, as it encapsulates such a fleeting moment in time.
Is there anything else you’d like to share with us?
I’m obsessed with the Le Papier name and logo, they’re so very French!
Thank you Susan for sharing your story with us and for continuing to be an inspiration!
You can find Susan online on Instagram and her Blog.
Love the silhouettes we created for Susan? You can order yours here.