Happy 5th Birthday John!

Today is your birthday. You turned 5 years old! Five!! In your words, "you're a big kid now!" In mine, "excuse me while I sob forever!" 😠Seriously though, why did you have to grow so fast? You are my baby! Can you stay little forever?
You have the most amazing personality. The things you say stop me in my tracks...daily. Like the other day when you took a good look at me and proceeded to saying "Mom, you look old " Come again 👂? I know you love me and didn't mean to stab me right in the gut but seriously kiddo!! Why?!
You make the funniest facial expressions. I think you took that from me....definitely! Just look at this picture. It only took me 20 tries to get a semi-descent one 😆 You love school and are soooo loyal to your friends. You take every word so literally. You ask so many questions and always ponder on our answers...because no matter what we say, you have a better answer. We love you to the moon and back and we can't imagine life without you in it, sweet boy!
Happy 5th birthday, John! Looking forward to celebrating you today and forever.