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Life after the move…

Photo of John and I in Greece this past June

As summer wraps up, I can’t help but reminiscent over all that has happened. In early May as we were preparing to leave for a month long vacation in Greece, we were faced with a huge decision, a potential move…to another state…a position at a great firm for Aaron. After a lot of prayers we accepted the offer and decided to move to Richmond, Va.

We attended my little sister’s wedding in Greece, and had quite possibly the best time ever. The month long vacation came to and end rather quickly (why is it that time flies when you are having fun?) – we returned to Chicago and had 8 days to pack up and move. We made it happen!!

We are here in Va now and although I would be lying if I said we are settled just fine (that would take time) I am happy to say we liked it here and can see ourselves making great friends and life in Virginia. Looking forward to this new chapter in our life.

Schools starts after Labor Day here which is bittersweet – Nikolas starts at a new school and John will also be going to Preschool for 3 days a week. I will miss my sweet babies but I am also looking forward to getting back to a routine. It would do all of us some good:)

On another note: we received word that almost all our products at the local Chicago target stores are sold out! This has truly been an amazing business experience and I’m hoping it’s going to open up doors to more opportunities. If you have been wanting to get your hands on some of the goodies, we have a limited amount on our Etsy Shop.

I hope you are savoring what’s left of your summer.