New Home Studio Tour!
Hello! Good to have you here. Thanks for stopping by to view this home studio tour. A little information about this space…
In July we moved to Richmond, VA from Chicago. We decided renting for a year would be the best option for our family. It would allow us to check out the different neighborhoods in Richmond, before we decide on where to settle. Turns out we love the area we are renting in.
We decided to turn the biggest bedroom in the house to my home studio. It was the best decision ever. The office is spacious and gets the most amazing afternoon light. Not to mention the gorgeous view!
Some of you might remember my last home studio tour in Chicago. You might remember the striking black chalkboard wall. Oh how I loved that wall! Since we are renting one of the rules here (which honestly I don’t mind because I actually love the paint color) is to not paint over. So naturally, I had to design my new space around a light color wall…Turns out I love how the new wall gallery looks. It’s such a fresh, crisp look and it goes perfectly with my new accents around the studio.
One of my favorite spots in this reading corner. I love sitting here on Sunday afternoons to make my weekly to-do list or read to my little guy.What did I tell you about that gorgeous natural light?
Some of my hand sketches from college grace this wall.
Directly opposite of the gallery wall is this long bookcase. It holds supplies and tools as well as different nick knacks and family frames. I created the silhouette paper to use as backing – check out the tutorial here. I currently have this cozy chair here but it will soon be replaced with a less bulky couch (still shopping for an elegant piece – mid-century modern would be my preference)
The various size frames and art pieces block the least eye pleasing areas and also hold our dearest family photographs. Each square opening gives me the chance to do a bit of styling I should mention that I didn’t purchase many new pieces for this new space. The only new piece was the rug (the old one was too small and wouldn’t have worked here).
I converted the only closet into a storage room. I used some bookcases previously used around the house as the main pieces to hold all my shipping supplies, ribbons, papers etc. The left of it (not captures very well on this picture) serves as my packaging station.
As in our previous home, this room has quickly become our family’s favorite space. We gather here to chat, do various activities or simply watch a movie.
So there you have it! I hope you like it. If you do, make sure to share it by using the share buttons below.
White tables, drawer cabinets and bookcases, IKEA
Ghost chairs, Amazon
Frames, IKEA and other various sources
Rugs, (8×10 black and white herringbone by RugsUSA (white and sheepskins), IKEA,
Upholstered Chair (Custom by Nate Berkus, purchased at an estate sale in Chicago)
Pillows, IKEA and WillaSkyeHome
Curtains, IKEA
Table Lamp, Home Goods
Previous Studio Tour (this was my Chicago home studio)