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Let the blogging begin…..

I wasn’t quite sure if i was going to use this site for personal blogging or for showing my cards and invitations….Well, I decided I was going to do both since the one is part of the other.

So here I am trying to write about something, and there are so many things one can possibly write about…which makes it even more challenging. I told myself I won’t get intimidated by the fact that some people are so good at blogging….instead I will do my best to talk about my life as a mother and wife and share with you all the exciting part of it all, my new business.

Yesterday I created an account for selling my products on Etsy and posted a couple. I must admit, i am a bit overwhelmed after checking out some of the shops. I got great ideas for my business and not to mention the best part of it, I feel special to have received advice from some of the nicest members.
I could use all the advice and criticism they have to offer.

My goal is to be writing on weekly basis, so please keep checking in with me….and also comment on what you read!

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