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Happy Weekend

I can’t tell you how much I enjoy sleeping in on Saturdays….even through the screams and giggles around me….I think I have the ability to block out all the noise and still manage to sleep a little longer.

I am blessed to be married to a man who enjoys taking care of me and helping me out a lot (especially on weekends)…although I don’t require much…a cup of coffee and something to eat would make me most happy when I open my eyes.

It is often that we forget those who truly, deeply care for us by taking advantage of them.
I have learned to say “thank God” for everything that is brought my way, my health, my loving family, my friends…and the daily challenges.
It is all given to me by God’s grace not because I deserve any of it.
So, thank you God for everything, especially for happy weekends….:)

I leave you with the image of two drawings from Nikolas….(in May he will be 3!!).
The track was drawn by him today…the little church was his first at 26 months old. Aaron thinks he is on his way to becoming an architect (hmmm ..I wonder who is he getting it from)

The post Happy Weekend appeared first on Le Papier Blog.