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The Much Needed Rest…

I have been sick with the flue which has slowed things down for me quite a bit.
Etsy orders for Personalized Silhouette Prints keep coming in and I am loving each custom order. I love this part of my business, the creative one where I get to draw silhouettes and create cool designs.

Nikolas has been an angel taking care of me, making sure I rest and feel ok. He keeps asking “you better now?” and never forgets those squeeze hugs… ah what a boy!
My other boy (the big one) also has been running back and forth to the pharmacy to get those decongestants for me….I must be getting better…I have too, otherwise I will miss our big Easter celebration

In the meantime, I have been sipping lots of hot tea and taking naps with Nikolas….

The post The Much Needed Rest… appeared first on Le Papier Blog.