Most anticipated vacation…
I don’t know how many of you already know that US is not my birthplace…It is though my home, now! It has been so for the past 10 years. I don’t regret my decision of leaving the place I grew up in…I just miss my “home” home every once in a while.
I miss the crisp morning air…, the early walks by the beach, the smell of the coffee roasting…. my mother’s daily dilemma on “what shall we cook today?” and the detailed preparation that is involved with it.
Each year I anticipate my 3 week vacation mainly because I get to see my family again, but also because of this…These pictures are from our last year’s vacation.
This is the first year, Aaron won’t be joining us. It makes me sad to think of it but I know we’ll be ok. I can’t tell you how much my parents miss Nikolas. If you can imagine this, they get all teary the moment they see us get off the plane and pretty much throughout our time there (because they think of the end of our vacation, before it actually arrives)…We are a very close family indeed!
I was very touched by my dear blogger friend Mrs. French‘s post on whether we have two places we call home… I have been feeling this way for a long time, and to be able to read it on another blog, the very same thoughts, reassured me that “yes”, most of us have two homes…the one we grew up in and the one we actually live in.
I associate the place I grew up with a special smell. I don’t know if it is mother’s famous cooking or just the fact that I spent 18 years of my life in that place. I used to cry every time I would come home from college! This is the way I feel to this very day….
I can’t wait to share pictures of this years vacation with you all….Stay tuned…We will be going 3 weeks in September.
I like to leave you with with this picture of Nikolas and I on the last day of our last years’ vacation. We both look pretty relaxed.
After posting this, I had a nice conversation with my dear hubby…seeing how his family lives far as well….and we both agreed that perhaps this is a good thing for us. We are amongst the lucky ones to be able to escape for a little bit each year…go visit home in a different place…You know, we HAVE too…we have no other choice:)
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