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A touching story

I get many requests via ETSY customers regarding custom silhouettes….and I love working on every one of them. A couple of days ago, I got a very unusual request. I was asked to draw the silhouette of an infant who passed away after 7 days of birth….I only had one picture to draw her silhouette from, a picture taken a couple of days before they had to take her off the life support…a picture of the mother holding her. I can barely hold my tears as I write this post, my heart aches for this woman…All I could think of as I was drawing her silhouette, was the mother and her smile…how happy and beautiful she looked holding her precious angel. How can this happen to a mother? What would we do if it would happen to us? What would you do? I remember when I had my son…the feeling on holding him for the first time….nothing else in the whole world could compare to that moment…

After a lot of trials, this is one of the options I came up with …

Mommy and Mollie

I don’t think it does justice to the beautiful picture above, but I hope it will help bring back a smile to that mother’s face.

The post A touching story appeared first on Le Papier Blog.