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I am back…

Hard to believe it’s been only a couple of days since school started. Niko is going to Preschool 5 days a week this year (half days but still) and I am thrilled of our new schedule. I drop him off and get back to work for 2 and a half hours. I get things done, no play, just work! Than off I go to pick him up. We have lunch. He naps, I work! I have grown quite fond of this new routine:)

I have kept busy with a couple of project, which I can’t wait to share with you all. All in due time, I promise! On a completely unrelated note, but a happy one, my parents have decided to come spend a month with us this December. For all of you who don’t know, they live overseas and get to see us only once a year. We didn’t make it this year, hence their US visit.

What have you been up to? I know many of you have little ones who are going back to school. What does that mean for you? Happy tears? Sad tears? I’d love to hear.

The post I am back… appeared first on Le Papier Blog.