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A day with Nikolas

Today I did absolutely no work ( I am actually proud of myself for it!). Nikolas is home from school today and tomorrow so I decided to spend the day doing whatever he wanted and that included me building lego structures with him (which I actually don’t enjoy:).

We spent the morning learning how to knit – he’s been asking me to teach him. No idea why all of the sudden he likes to learn but why not?! So we started and even though we didn’t get too far, we had fun! Than quickly moved into our next activity, water-coloring.

So we water-colored some. I love his “Mary and Jesus” piece (especially the happy look into their faces).

We attempted to build a tall structure using wood blocks, but didn’t get higher than 4 feet off the ground. That’s pretty good, if you ask me.

Did you know time goes by fast when you are having fun? Go figure.

He than showed me his Star Wars book – explaining each and every character in great detail – making sure I knew the difference between the good and bad guys. I love how passionate he is about things:)

I miss spending time with Nikolas. I just want to treasure every single moment I have with him. We keep wondering how it will be when the little one joins our family next year. How fast time goes!! I need to make more time for days like this one (note to self!).

The post A day with Nikolas appeared first on Le Papier Blog.