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John Andrew’s 6th Month Silhouette

Dear John,

You’re half a year old already! If I were to picture you a year ago, I would have no clue how you would be like. You have been nothing short of amazing, little one!

It’s been fun seeing you grow grow grow! You’ve mastered sitting up and are starting to show signs of crawling. You are also making all sorts of sounds – mostly happy ones. Last month we started feeding you solids, and boy oh boy how you love to eat!  We’re trying to train you to sleep on your bed at night but you seem to have other plans:) You love getting cozy between your daddy and I. I feel torn some days – part of me wants to be OK with you sleeping in our bed, but my other part needs the rest.

I wanted to write a little about your brother, Nikolas and how you’ve changed his life. Every since we brought you home, Nikolas has been so protective of you. Seeing you and singing to you, is the first thing he does every morning. My heart melts at the sight of the two of you bonding. You are the happiest around Nikolas! I hope and pray you stay close to each other. Siblings are the greatest gift parents can give. I feel so blessed you came!

Looking forward to seeing what this month has in store for you.

Love you bunches,


I’ve decided to draw John Andrew’s monthly silhouette until he turns 12 months old. I started this project with Nikolas as a way to document his growth. I take a picture of John Andrew on the same spot on our couch every month and pair it with his monthly silhouette.


The post John Andrew’s 6th Month Silhouette appeared first on Le Papier Blog.