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Silhouette Contest | The Children of the World Project

Calling all creative photographers and/or parents of cute kiddos…
Capturing a terrific photo of your child is always a treat, but having that photo turned into a custom silhouette makes it a long lasting treasure.

Le Papier Studio is launching our beloved Silhouette Contest today with a special theme, “The Children of the World Project.”

This year our contest is focusing on kids from all around the world. We love photos that highlight the unique differences of your child and your participation means so much as this year we will donate a portion of the sales from this project to Save the Children.
This organization is committed to addressing children’s needs, particularly those who are impoverished and in vulnerable situations, in more than 120 nations.

We can’t wait to see your best work and we are honored to be able to help children all around the world by donating to this worthy cause!

To participate head over to our Facebook page and submit your picture/s. You, your family and friends can cast your votes once a day. With the help of our Facebook fans we will be selecting between 15-20 of the best photographs to be made into silhouettes and featured in our “Children of the World Collection”. The finalists will be given a fee fine art print featuring their child/children custom silhouette/s.

PS: If you have questions about what type of photographs work best for silhouettes, please read these few guidelines.

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